Ram Head on Purple Background

Parent agree to follow the guidance of the screener to decrease the risk of spreading illness to others. 

  1. In the past 10 days, has your child developed any of the following symptoms that are new/different from baseline of any chronic illness: fever/feverish, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  2. In the past 10 days, has your child developed any of the following symptoms that are new/different from baseline of any chronic illness: chills, headache, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, runny nose or congestion, muscle aches, abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

If your child has any of the symptoms listed in section 1, OR two or more of the symptoms listed in section 2, OR their temperature is 100.4 or higher do not send your child to school. Self-isolate at home and contact your child's primary care physician's office for direction. Parents agree to notify their child's attendance office.

  1. In the past 10 days, has your child had close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case?

If you answered YES to either of these questions, do not send your child to school. Self-quarantine at home for 10 days, contact your child's primary physician's office if they have symptoms or have had close contact with an individual for evaluation. If diagnosed as a probable COVID-19 or test positive, call your local health department and make them aware of your child's diagnosis or testing status and notify your child's attendance office.

Your child is not allowed to attend school if they have symptoms of COVID-19. Keep them out of school until it has been at least 10 days from the first day they had symptoms - OR - they have received a negative COVID-19 test - OR - they have received a medical diagnosis. Students should not return to school unless they have had 24 hours with no fever, and other symptoms have improved. If they are a close contact and symptom free, quarantine for 10 days and monitor for symptoms for the next 4 days. Asymptomatic, fully vaccinated individuals are not required to quarantine. Wear a mask and monitor for symptoms for 14 days.

If you have answered NO to all questions, they have passed the screening and your child can come to school. 

Students who develop symptoms of COVID-19 at school will be quarantined in an isolation room. Parents/emergency contacts will be notified immediately.